3 Tips For Spending More Quality Time With Your Elderly Loved Ones

Sam Wright
Sam Wright
4 Min Read

If you have elderly loved ones that are still around but that you don’t see as much as you’d like, there are so many things that you can do to help you spend more quality time with them in a way that doesn’t involve just sitting in the same room together in their senior living community. There are likely things that your elderly loved ones are still capable of doing with you that can help you grow a stronger bond with one another.

To help you find out what some of these things might be, here are three tips for spending more quality time with your elderly loved ones.  

Do Daily Activities Together

In your elderly loved one’s life, there are likely things that he or she still enjoys doing. If they’re able to do these things on their own, something that you might want to try is to go about doing some of these activities with them. This could include things like working in their garden with them, being there with them when they cook their favorite meal, going shopping together, and more. 

Along with this, if there are things that your elderly loved one isn’t able to do on their own anymore, coming with them and helping them regain some access to this thing could be a great way to spend some time together. This could mean taking them out on your boat if they love the water, cooking them their favorite treat, watching movies they love together, and more. 

Whether you’re really able to talk and communicate during these times or not, the time spent together will be meaningful to both of you. 

Learn About Your Family History Together

Another thing that can be a great way to spend time together with your elderly loved one is to learn about your family history together. 

In many instances, your elderly loved ones might know a lot about your family history that you don’t know about. In this case, you can ask them about family members that they remember, their own life, and the lives of people you may not have known as your family members. 

If neither of you know much about your family history, you can research this together and see what you can uncover about the family that you share and the history of what your family has gone through. 

Attend Events Together

For many older people, it can be hard to get out of the house sometimes. But if you know that your elderly loved one used to enjoy going to sporting events or musical concerts, getting tickets for these kinds of things and attending these events together can be a great way to make some new memories with one another. 

The types of events don’t need to be extravagant. Free events can be just as enjoyable as expensive events. It’s the thought and the time spent together that will really count in these situations. 

If you want to spend some more quality time with your elderly loved ones, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you find some ways to accomplish this. 

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