The critically acclaimed series returns with all-new episodes. Based on the best-selling comic book by Joe Hill, this is a story of three siblings who move to their ancestral home in Maine only to find themselves battling both family history and malevolent forces that threaten to destroy them. With one of the most talented casts on television, including Miranda Otto (Homeland), Sissy Spacek (Carrie), and newcomer Jack Mulhern, season two promises more thrills than ever before. Join us for the return of Locke & Key! Catch up with your favorite characters or jump right into this new chapter in their lives as they face off against evil incarnate.
Cast, Release Date, And More Info Revealed
Expectations are high for the next season of, the series adaptation of Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez’s acclaimed horror comic book of the same name. The series has received favorable reviews, and interest has been rising, leaving fans anticipating the second season. If that’s you, you’ve come to the right place. What are the highlights of season 2?
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When Is Locke & Key Season 2 Out and Where Can You Watch It?
Season 2 is expected to premiere on 22, October 2021, with a specific date yet to be determined. The first season is currently streaming on Netflix and, wouldn’t you know it, the popular streaming service will also host the second season. Not content to rest on their laurels, Netflix has already ordered a season 3 that will begin production sometime early next year.
What is the plot of Locke & Key?
As mentioned earlier, is based on the horror-heavy comic by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez. Season 1 follows the Locke family as they discover their father’s death is linked to a collection of magical keys that may be connected to his murder, and move into their family home, Keyhouse. As the Locke children explore the different keys and their unique powers, a mysterious demon awakens — and will stop at nothing to steal them.’
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Locke & Key Season 2 Showrunner, Crew, and More
The series was developed and written by executive producer and co-showrunner Meredith Averill, along with Carlton Cuse, and Aron Eli Coleite
Based on the novel by Candace Bushnell, follows sex columnist Nina Locke (Brynn O’Malley) as she attempts to break away from her abusive relationship with Tyler Locke (Connor Jessup), while also attempting to start a new life in New York City. Jackson Robert Scott plays Bode Locke, Sherri Saum portrays Ellie Whedon
Locke & Key Season 2 Trailer
Surprisingly, Netflix has yet to release the next season’s trailer. It’s only a matter of time before the next season gets some footage, as confidence is sky-high after already announcing a third season.