The third season of the popular anime series, One Punch Man, is set to release in 2020. Fans are eagerly waiting for the third season as it has been two years since the second season aired. With a possible release date announced, fans can now plan their schedules accordingly and wait patiently for their arrival. One Punch Man Season 3 is expected as released on 18, April 2022.
One-Punch Man is a manga superhero creation by ONE, written by Tomohiro Suzuki, produced by Chinatsu Matsui, Nobuyuki Hosoya, and team, and directed by Shingo Natsume (season 1) and Chikara Sakurai (season 2). The series is a mix of adventure and humor. It consists of two seasons, with season 1 being released in October 2015 and season 2 following in April 2019. Each season has 12 episodes. The first season was done by Madhouse and the second season by J.C.Staff.
The story focuses on Saitama, an unemployed hero who can defeat anybody in a single punch. However, he has never found a foe of his caliber, so he became bored and irritable with time.
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Season 3 Release Date
There has been no official announcement for One Punch Man Season 3 yet, but since the manga still has a significant number of chapters to be adapted, we may anticipate the third season. Season 3 was expected to premiere by the end of 2020, but it wasn’t possible because season 2 came out in 2019, and there was a four-year gap between seasons 1 and 2. According to certain reports, the Covid-19 epidemic might cause further delays in season 3. One Punch Man Season 3 is expected as released on 18, April 2022.
Worth Watching or Not
In IMDb, One Punch Man has a high rating of 8.8/10. This is the most well-made anime or manga series to watch. The Series received a lot of positive attention. They were mystified to see such a powerful creature who can take down anybody with only one punch. They liked Saitama’s moves. The series has been very fascinating to viewers. The entire series is a comedy, with twists and turns, and most importantly, fights. I would strongly advise you to watch this series, which is without a doubt the finest anime/manga program.
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Expected Cast
Makoto Furukawa is the voice of Saitama, Kaito Ishikawa voices Genos, Shota Yamamoto performs Bearded Worker, Ueda Youji lends his voice to Bespectacled Worker, Nobuo Tobita provides Sitch, Hiromichi Tezuka does the commentary job, Sawashiro Yuuichi.
With almost no time at all between seasons, fans can expect to see some of the anticipated characters in season 3, including Saitama, Garou, Switch, Eyelashes, Mumen Rider, Genos, and many more new fighters.
Expected Plot
The narrative may return to Saitama, the superhero, in One Punch Man Season 3. With one punch, Saitama will overcome his opponents. In addition, we may delve into Garou’s personality (his other side, i.e., his human character) further in the tale this time. It will be fascinating to witness Saitama and Garou’s conflict, as Garou is unable to defeat one punch. As a result, Saitama and Garou will be the main characters this time. Season three is said to include a plethora of marvel fights, according to some sources.
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The Rumor about Season 3
Many internet rumors suggested that season 3 would be unveiled in 2022. However, there has been no official announcement for a release or sequel, and we simply anticipate the third season to be released. One Punch Man Season 3 is expected as released on 18, April 2022.