Netflix has a new animated series called New Animal, which is based on a Japanese anime show. Brand New Animal is an anime series created by Yoh Yoshinari, who works at Studio Trigger. The first season has 12 episodes and will be split into two halves. The second half, which consists of six episodes, will be released in March 2020, while the first half, which comprises six episodes, will be released in May 2020. In season one, humans coexisted with human-like creatures. The plot follows Michiru Kagemori, who transforms into Beastmen and seeks refuge in Anima City, a sanctuary for the Beastmen. She learns about her past as a human and the dark secrets behind her change when she meets up with Shirou Ogami, a Beastman, along with their friend Taiga Hanaya. Brand New Animal Season 2 is expected as released on 15, September 2022.
New Animal is not yet available.
The series became extremely popular, and there are rumors of a second season being released soon because of an unresolved cliffhanger in the first season’s conclusion. Season 2 may be released in September 2022, according to reports.
Is Trailer Out?
The second season of Brand New Animal has yet to debut, and there is no word on whether or not the series will be renewed for a second run in September 2022. The first season was well-received and received a good number of viewers. However, official announcements have yet to be made, and the release date may be revealed in September 2022, according to rumors. Both the trailer and the second season of Brand New Animal are available on Netflix and Fuji TV.
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Expected Cast and Characters
If season 2 of Brand New Animal is made as a sequel to Season 1, the majority of the cast members would return. Lelouch of the Rebellion is produced, some characters would be making returns. MichiruKagemori, Shirou Ogami, NazunaHiwatashi, Alan Sylvasta, Barballet Rose, Yuji Tachiki, Marie Itami, Gem Horner are just a few Gara Takashima, Kaito Ishikawa, Sumire Morohoshi, Maria Naganawa, Yoshimasa Hosoya, and others provided the voices for this anime.
It’s still unclear whether the creators will produce a new storyline for the series with a different cast of characters for season 2 or if Season 2 will be a continuation of Season 1 with the same cast.
Expected Plot
The first season focused on the co-existence of humans and animal-humanoids. The plot follows MichiruKagemori, who transforms into Beastmen and seeks refuge in Anima City, a sanctuary for the Beastmen. In addition to her companion Shirou Ogami, a Beastmen, she uncovers some dark truths about her change as the first season draws to a close with Michiru and Ogami revealing the government’s plan to eliminate the Beastmen.
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The story begins with a presentation of numerous people being transformed into “anime” characters, referred to as VAs or voice actors after they become an anime. The fact that the sequel has already been greenlit gives fans hope for another season. This opens up possibilities of further adventures in her new form for Season 2, or there is something else that the creators want to show. The release date of Brand New Animal season 2 will probably be out in September 2022 as per the sources, and, surely, fans have been waiting quite eagerly for its release, considering the fanbase the show has gained.